Massage Therapy
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage treatment is a sort of therapy that concentrates on the deep levels of muscle in the body, as the name implies. It works by concentrating the pressure far deeper than traditional massage treatment by employing slow and forceful massage strokes. It helps to relieve inflammation by boosting blood flow, and breaking down adhesion's.
It’s especially helpful for people who have a chronic muscular problem or are trying to recover from an injury. It’s a popular sports massage method that can help you enhance your performance.
Soft Tissue Massage
Soft tissue massage is a method that is less invasive than deep tissue massage, as you might expect. Soft tissue massage, rather than relying on slow, pressured motions to influence the deep layers, works with a variety of depths, pressures, and durations.
The therapist will work on your muscles, tendons, and ligaments as a massage treatment, and in most ways is quite comparable to deep tissue massage techniques.
It’s a good way to relax muscles, release endorphins, relieve muscle tension, and promote blood circulation.
Sports Massage
Whether you are a training for an event, part of a sports team or working out to stay fit- sports massage can benefit performance in the following ways:
Muscles recover more quickly
Adhesions are broken down
Muscles perform efficiently and strongly
Connective tissue remains supple
Improved posture and muscle balance
Reduced stress and work place fatigue
Improved Circulation
Increased Energy
Oncologe Massage
Oncology massage is the treatment and modification of massage therapy techniques performed by a qualified masseur to help people manage their experience with cancer.
Oncology massage can become an integral part of treatment, working alongside conventional treatments of cancer and can help maintain the positive affects of the mind, body and emotions.
Research has proven Oncology massage can reduce the side effects experienced from conventional treatment of cancer and the symptoms of the disease process itself (Cassileth and Vickers, 2004).
An Oncology trained therapist can provide a variety of positive effects including:
Encourage’s deep relaxation – which can decrease stresshormones (cortisol) while boosting your feel- good hormones, serotonin and dopamine).
Reduce stress, anxiety and depression
Reduced fatigue levels
Improved sleep
Reduced pain
Decreased nausea
Increased feelings of well- being
Improved body self-image
Reduced scar tissue